Why I Photograph

. Warning. These images may contain more than one photograph (not always exposed by the artist), digital effects, drawings, invisible metadata, and may be supplemented with text, audio, and video at your discretion. The artist discloses his practices generally but deliberately does not specify which practices are used in a given image to raise questions about how we know what we know, include the viewer in his ongoing practice of becoming more mindful of how we see, and leave room for each individual's unique experience of the works. These images and the following piece of creative nonfiction are deliberately designed to create some disorientation and more clarity. . . "Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second." - Marc Riboud . . I photograph...

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. Use this table of contents to find statements I've written about my art.   A Statement On Statements . Process . Art Of Discovery Process Titles Studies . Series . My Antarctica Waking My Antarctica Dreaming Antarctica Global Warning Alignment Condensation Constellation Correspondence Illumination Land In Land Reflection Refraction Resonance Respiration Revelation . Themes . Landscapes Within Sublime Moments Resacralizing Nature Sacred Journey Pilgrimage A Call To Connection Equivalence Surfaces Seeing Is Not Believing . New statements are coming. Receive gifts, special offers, and announcements in my newsletter. ...

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13 Of My Favorite Studies

Request the catalog here. Click each image for more.   Making images is a form of knowing. And, every media used to make images with is a different way of coming to that understanding. Because they each offer unique experiences and perspectives, I work in many media simultaneously, comparing and contrasting them to get a fuller picture of what’s really there and what more is going on. In the end, I make many studies before distilling them into the new works they bring to completion. I think of them as necessary pieces of a puzzle to find a bigger picture or waypoints of discovery to find a journey’s end. . Here are a few of the things I do. . Color Gradients I’m always mindful of how color...

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  https://youtu.be/9bxErr8Hvxs .   Making images is a form of knowing.   And, every media used to make images with is a different way of coming to that understanding. Because they each offer unique experiences and perspectives, I work in many media simultaneously, comparing and contrasting them to get a fuller picture of what’s really there and what more is going on. In the end, I make many studies before distilling them into the new works they bring to completion.   I think of studies as necessary pieces of a puzzle to find a bigger picture or waypoints of discovery to find a journey’s end.   Painters’ and sculptors’ studies are often shared, on some occasions side-by-side with final works in both exhibits and publications. When you consider them it’s...

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    How artists get there is just as important as where they arrive. This is the creative process rather than the creative product.   People have always been unusually curious about how I make my work. In part, this is because I work with new technologies and the many creative possibilities they open. And in part, this is because I work with many media simultaneously; photography, drawing, sculpture, writing, and music. Why do I do so many things? Curiosity. And, each medium brings something new to light.   When I use different tools I experience the world and myself differently.   I draw to make ideas visible.   I started drawing and painting (the two are inseparable from one another) before I could talk – and I’ve never stopped....

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